February 2024
Happy February!
I’m Tara Reynolds, the new RCA president for 2024. I’ve lived in Ridgewood for 9 years now, and this is my 6th year on the board. I’m so thankful we moved into this amazing community with wonderful neighbors and fun events for both kids and adults.
Thank you so much to Renee for leading the charge last year and helping to organize so many fabulous events. Thanks also to Maureen Hochberg, and Amy Benck, who are staying on as officers this year. Finally thank you to Lynne Hiatt, who is returning to the board as our secretary this year.
Thank you to Renee and Maureen for a great kick off party, I’m upset that I ended up sick and had to miss it, but heard it was a fun time for all those that attended.
Another thanks to those that came in person, and those that zoomed into our RCA annual meeting to vote in the new board members.
Onward to our next 2024 Events and areas of interest:
Ladies Social:
Our next event for 2024 is our Ladies Social. This year Gail DeLuca has graciously offered to host. It will be held on Friday February 23rd at 7pm. Ladies you can get the details and RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjtTEubK2eX5Bz1mhzxjLzVwi8L_fYtsLdCr-J0NSJvr_UIw/viewform
Easter Egg Hunt:
After our Ladies Social, our next planned event will be our Easter Egg Hunt. If you’d like to be on the Egg Hunt planning committee, please email president@ridgewoodofwesternsprings.com Duties include: deciding the date, finding volunteers to spread eggs, and picking up dunkin the morning of the event.
Website Updates:
We are in the process of updating our website to make it easier to find information without digging through emails. If you, or somebody you know, is tech savvy and would like to help, please reach out. We’re going to move as many sign ups to the website as well, so make sure to click on the “Get Involved” link over on http://ridgewoodofwesternsprings.com
2024 Dues:
Finally, a reminder that we can’t make all these wonderful events happen without your financial support! One of the few things that has not seen a price increase in 6 years! $40 per household. Payable via zelle to president@ridgewoodofwesternsprings or check made out to Ridgewood Civic Association and dropped at the red box at 5715 Grand Ave.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns,
2024 RCA Sponsored Events
Ladies Social: Friday February 23rd
Easter Egg Hunt: March
NEAT Park Clean up: April
Wine Tasting: Summer TBD
4th of July Party at the Park: July 4th
Wood Pool Event: Summer TBD
Neighborhood Garage Sale: Summer TBD
Progressive Dinner: Fall TBD
Ridgewood Golf Classic: October
Halloween Party at the Park: October 31
Luminaria: December
Holiday Party / Kickoff Party: Winter